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3 Financial Resources for Teens

on Tuesday, 14 August 2018. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The most annoying thing about money is that there never seems to be enough of it! That tends to be true even if we’re just getting started with our finances. The problem is hard enough to deal with as an adult, let alone when you don’t have that much life experience. With that in mind, here are a few resources to help your teen get off to a good financial start:

These days, financial literacy means knowing how banking systems actually work, how technology like debit cards and online investing figure into the equation as well as how to manage your credit rating. Investopedia has the information you need to understand it all, including how to handle life events young adults are likely to deal with such as college, moving out and financing their first car.

Since actions speak louder than words, how do you put that financial knowledge into practice in your daily life so you’re setting a good example for your kids? U.S. News and World Report has a great article on that very subject.

Do you ever look back and wish that your primary school or college had a course on financial literacy? If only, right? Well, Practical Money Skills has detailed lesson plans for your children, so you can teach them to hit a financial home run.

Like older folks, teenagers need to set priorities, make choices and manage their finances responsibly if they want to meet their goals successfully. Use these resources to put them on the right path.

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