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Creative Bag Lunches for Kids and Adults

on Tuesday, 21 August 2018. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You know brown-bagging it is a great way to save money and eat healthy, but it can be tough to do when your classmates and coworkers are chowing down on the goodies from the cafeteria or living it up at the local restaurants. That tuna sandwich can look rather sad by comparison. The good news is that you don’t have to settle for tuna ‘blah’, and you don’t have to be an expert chef to quickly prepare a gourmet meal that will be the envy of the office.

It may be tuna, but it doesn’t have to be ‘blah.’ Spice up an old classic with these hot curried tuna sandwiches.

We might all scream for ice cream, but for many of us pizza comes in a close second. Take the taste of the pizza parlor to work or school with these pizza wrap sandwiches.

If you’re on a gluten-free diet, bread isn’t exactly your friend. And even if you and gluten are simpatico, do you really want the extra carbs hanging around? Get rid of the bread altogether with this pickle and Reuben delight.

When you think lunch, you normally think sandwich, and sandwich means meat, right? That’s great— unless you’re vegan. Don’t feel left out. Adapt with this tasty spinach and artichoke wrap.

Dessert shouldn’t be just for dinner. And what could be better than a cookie? The problem is that most cookies aren’t exactly the healthiest of choice. Not so with these babies, packed with heart-healthy oats and grains.

Who says brown-bagging has to be boring? Bon appétit!

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