Sport-Specific Fitness Programs

If you or your high school or college sports team are struggling to 'make the playoffs' or perform consistently and well, it's frustrating for all concerned. You, your coach, your teammates, your fellow students, your friends, even your family are frustrated.
You go to practice every day and give it every ounce of energy and focus you have inside you. But somehow, something is holding you back.
Or maybe it's not you exactly.
Maybe you, as an individual athlete, are performing at the top of your game but your team isn't jelling. They aren't playing as a cohesive unit so you, as a team, are not winning the games you should and could be winning.
It doesn't matter if your sport is baseball, football, soccer, softball, tennis, lacrosse, golf, or track. When you play a sport and love it, you want to be the best you can be. You want to get out there and win!
Our programs for teams and individual athletes are tailored specifically to your unique sport...
Tailored to your performance-related and injury management or injury prevention needs and goals.
As a lifelong athlete and Sports Medicine physician, Dr. Mancini gets it. He understands your challenges as an individual athlete and as a team and will work with you to achieve your personal and group goals.