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Thoughts & Tips from The Doctor of Fitness: Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Expert, & Sports Medicine Physician

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Fun Gifts for Mom

on Tuesday, 03 May 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“Our mothers always remain the strangest, craziest people we’ve ever met.”

—Marguerite Duras

It’s Mother’s Day, which means it’s time to find the perfect gift for Mom. Every child knows by heart the many things our mothers have taught us, and in particular, the words she used to express herself. Rather than the run-of-the-mill candy or flowers or yet another gift card, why not choose gifts related to the phrases Mom most often used on us?

"Don't make me turn this car around!" Obviously, Mom would appreciate a back-up camera for the vehicle. 

"Pick that up before someone trips on it and breaks their neck!" LEGO makes a floral bouquet building kit. Mom would love it!

"Do you think money grows on trees?" This one is more normally associated with Dad, but plenty of moms have uttered these words too. What to get? Well, a money tree, of course.

"Don't make that face! It's going to freeze like that!" Facial masks are the answer here.

"Someday you’ll thank me for this!" How about a gratitude journal?

"This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you." What is Mom trying to say? Maybe she would like any kind of hair removal kit that promises that it's pain-free.

"You should have that phone surgically implanted in your ear." This is an easy one: anything for the ear— earrings, ear buds or a year's supply of Q-tips.

"You will ALWAYS be my baby." Face it, you can't top that one. Just hug her and promise you'll always clean your plate and your room, and you'll never flick things at her head in the car again.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Best Walking Shoes

on Tuesday, 26 April 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Walking is a great form of exercise, especially when you’re getting older or haven’t had a regular fitness routine in a while. It’s a good way to ease back into the groove until you’re ready for a more vigorous routine. Unlike running, walking is a lot easier on your joints and ligaments. You don’t even need any special equipment with one major exception— good walking shoes. 

When looking for walking shoes, look for ones specifically designed for walking rather than settling for cross-training or running shoes. Walking is an entirely different motion from running and places different stresses on your foot. When walking your heel will impact the ground first, then the ball of your foot as you take a step. A pair of walking shoes should be flexible. To test one, twist it. It should easily bend at the ball of the foot since that’s where your foot will bend when you walk. Check the toe as well. It should be slightly off the ground so the shoe slightly rocks when you roll it forward, just as your foot will when walking.

When using a shoe for any purpose it’s always better to go with function over fashion. Sure, you want it to look good, but the most important thing is that it’s comfortable and does what you need it to do. Don’t get too caught up on brand names either. A generic shoe that fits is infinitely more valuable to you than a fancy shoe that doesn’t.

Walking is a great way to get out and get some exercise without wearing yourself out but be sure to get the right shoes. Your feet will thank you for it. 

Stretch Before You Exercise

on Tuesday, 19 April 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Talk to any doctor and he or she will tell you about the importance of regular exercise. Talk to any physical trainer and he or she will tell you that exercise is great, but stretching before you get started is just as important. It can be hard enough to motivate yourself to exercise without the extra hassle, especially if you’re already pressed for time, but stretching is a step you don’t want to skip.  

Muscles are similar to bundles of fibers, and before you twist and torque on them the way you will during a workout, you want them as limber as possible so they can flex as you do. Think of breaking a piece of dry kindling over your knee and then compare it to trying to break a green sapling. It goes without saying you want to be the sapling in this analogy.

You’ve probably seen athletes do an elaborate stretching routine before a game. You don’t have to go this extreme. Even a 5-minute stretch can do wonders for your workout. It’s even beneficial on its own to improve posture and flexibility and to help reduce everyday aches and pains.

Stretching isn’t just for pre-workout either. Stretching afterwards can help keep muscles from tensing after strenuous exercise, meaning you’re feeling better and ready for what the day will throw at you. Stretching is a great way to keep in the game, so you’re ready for the next workout instead of headed for the trainer’s table.

It’s Almost Tax Day – Have You Filed Yet?

on Tuesday, 12 April 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Unlike Christmas or Halloween, Tax Day won’t make the top ten list of anyone’s favorite holidays. Many people grumble and groan at it. Some even turn out to protest it. If you’ve been putting off filing your taxes, you’re not alone. As many as one in three taxpayers wait until the last two weeks of the season to file their taxes.

There are many reasons not to be one of these people.

If your return is more complex than you thought, you might need forms or documents that won’t arrive in time, especially if they must be mailed. Don’t expect institutions like banks, brokerages, or legal offices to expedite documents just because you have a deadline. Plan ahead and save the stress.

Do you have everything you need? The quickest way to make a mistake is to rush through the process in the frantic last hours before tax time. It will increase the chance of an IRS or state audit, so instead of being done for the year, you may be dealing with some not so nice letters.

Identify theft is another reason to file earlier. Once you file your taxes, your Social Security number can’t be used by anyone else. Yes, it can and does happen, leaving you to explain to the IRS why everything on your return is wrong. 

Not only do you have to file by the due date, any payments due also need to be sent by that deadline. The balance due may be more than you thought, leaving you little to no time to come up with the money. The sooner you file, the sooner you know the damage and the sooner you can come up with a plan to deal with it.

Tax time is never going to be fun, but don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Plan ahead and file early, so you can get back to your life.

School Vacation: Staycation Ideas

on Tuesday, 05 April 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

With spring break right around the corner, you’ve may have spent time looking at tropical getaways. Those pictures sure look enticing, don’t they? It might be logistics, timing or finances, but the bottom line is those lovely places just aren’t in the cards this year. Spring doesn’t have to end in disappointment though. 

The Internet is your best friend here. Look for local attractions in your area. You might be surprised to find how many there are right under your nose. Local bakeries and restaurants often offer tours of their facilities. Once you see how things are done behind the scenes you can put what you learned into action at home. What about a park hop where you visit all the local playgrounds and parks? Feeling creative? Many local community colleges offer craft programs, and a lot of local artists will be happy to make a little extra money teaching what they know.

Most places have an international foods store. Take a visit and try something new. There might be a new family favorite just waiting to be discovered. Every place has history. Take a local walking or bike tour to see it. It will leave you with a new-found perspective on the place you call home.

Sure, a staycation might not have been what you had in mind at first, but without all the hassle of traveling, it offers exactly what you wanted the vacation for in the first place— and that’s the time to have fun.

School Vacation Ideas

on Tuesday, 29 March 2022.

When you think vacation you often think of resorts or tropical getaways, crisp, cool mountains or perhaps a scenic lighthouse in some obscure cove. And chances are you’re thinking about summer, because that’s when most people take vacations. The main reason for that, is that parents don’t want to take their kids out of school. However, learning is a 24/7 activity and sometimes the best lessons don’t take place in a classroom.

If your kids are going to miss any school time, it’s best to check with their school and their teacher so it can be coordinated, and lessons and tests made up. There may even be some extra credit if your kids can pass on what they learned to their classmates in the form of a presentation or report.

When coming up with ideas for vacation, try to take the child’s interests into account. Maybe it’s dinosaurs or Greek history or astronomy. Find what they like and let them explore it. Many children (and a few adults) have limited attention spans, so look for interactive activities and presentations. A dusty old museum with a curator that looks like he should be a part of it, isn’t for everyone.

You’ll also want to decide how far you’ll go and plan accordingly. A three-day outing to the nearest large city is quite different from a cross-country adventure. Make a plan, but also consider alternatives if the first option doesn’t work out.

The world can be your classroom. There are lots of great places out there, and so many things to learn. Here are a few ideas to help you get started. Enjoy!

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