Patriot Day, also known as The National Day of Service, is a day for honoring those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, by doing at least one good deed. Even if you’re new to the area, or community service has never really been “your thing”, there are plenty of ways to get involved.
Look on websites like and (search for “volunteer”) for places and events in your area that appeal to you. Contact the venues and inquire if there is anything that you can do to help out.
Think about your normal activities and interests and see if they don't naturally suggest a way you can help someone out.
Good at woodworking? Build flower boxes or bird houses for the local park, homeless shelter, Habitat for Humanity, etc.
Social media is your expertise? Think of all the collection drives you could do for your area by reaching out to the people in your network—food, blankets, coats, shoes, baby clothing, sporting equipment, school supplies, books, board games, old phones, unused cosmetics, pet food and more.
Do you have a special skill? Offer to demonstrate at a local women's shelter, at a PTA meeting, a fundraising event, the library, the museum, or a nursing home.
Young people can find volunteer campaigns to “make the world suck less” at There are also opportunities for scholarships.
Spend a little while today finding some way to help others in need, and do it! It's a great way to remember the fallen, and it's a wonderful gift.