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Doctor of Fitness

Parents’ Date Night on a Budget

on Tuesday, 22 September 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

If you've got kids, and the most romantic thing that's happened lately is your partner managed to save the last bowl of cereal for you —you might need a date night.

Once children enter the picture, it may seem difficult to set aside the time or expense of going on a date. Having a regular date night is not a frivolous activity, and is not only vital for parents, but children as well. As parents, it's important to show your children what a good relationship looks like.

Ask grandparents, friends, and other family members to help out with babysitting. You might know another couple who would be willing to trade play dates so you each have date night opportunities.

Here are some budget-friendly date night ideas:

  • Picnics are always special—whether it's at a local park, beach, backyard, or even the bedroom.
  • Split a dessert at a nice restaurant.
  • Go bowling or play miniature golf.
  • Build a fire outside, snuggle and roast marshmallows.
  • Check out local events, or visit to explore activities in your area
  • Go to your local high school football games, or theatrical events.
  • Date night doesn't have to mean “night”--go out to breakfast together.
  • Explore flea markets or window shop.
  • Visit local tourist spots. Are there any cheesy tourist traps nearby?

Be sure to take turns planning dates, and be open for new experiences. But don't feel like every date night has to be a wild adventure—remember it's all about having some alone time to feel like a couple again.

Romance is everything. ~Gertrude Stein

Choosing the Right Shoes for Exercising

on Tuesday, 15 September 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

No matter what fitness program you choose: if your feet aren't happy you’re not likely to continue exercising for very long. The footwear you choose can also affect more than just your feet. Back problems and joint ailments often stem from inadequate shoes.

It can be overwhelming shopping for athletic shoes—there are countless choices, and it can be quite expensive. Here are some things to consider when you're deciding what to purchase:

Okay to go barefoot? There's been some recent popularity in exercising barefoot. If your exercise is low-impact like yoga, dance, or Pilates, and you haven't had any problems, by all means continue in your bare feet. Just be careful of rocks, glass, etc.!

Walking or running? For normal walking around your neighborhood, you can get away with wearing a regular running shoe, but if the ground is uneven, trainers recommend a high-top shoe for extra stability. Be sure to wear shoes that aren't too tight; feet often swell when running or walking. You'll also want enough cushioning to help absorb shock when your foot hits the ground.

What about the gym? Whether you're lifting weights or participating in an aerobics class, having a shoe with proper traction is critical to both comfort and avoiding injury.

It isn't necessary to have the latest and greatest in athletic shoes, or to spend a fortune on them, but having a good pair (or two) can make a big difference in how much you enjoy your workout.

Patriot Day: Remembering the Fallen

on Tuesday, 08 September 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.” –Barack Obama

Have you thought about how you and your family will be commemorating Patriot Day this year? This is the day our nation acknowledges those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Here are some ways you can honor the memory of those victims and heroes:

  • Have a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. The North Tower of the World Trade Center was struck by the first hijacked plane on September 11, 2001 at 8:46 a.m.
  • Search for “children's books about September 11” on Amazon. There are several appropriate for different age groups that are an excellent way to talk to your kids about what happened and how to deal with their fears concerning that event.
  • Take homemade cookies to the local fire department or police station to thank them for keeping you and your family safe.
  • Donate food to a local food pantry.
  • Take CPR or first aid classes.
  • Create care packages for a child at a homeless shelter.
  • Have little ones color pictures or make greeting cards and drop off at the local assisted living facilities.

Remembering Patriot Day is a way to not only help out your community, but an opportunity to create memories with your family and show them how much they mean to you.

Pick Some Apples for Family Fun

on Tuesday, 01 September 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Trying to find something fun for the family to do once school starts? Looking for a unique date experience, particularly one that gives you an excuse to be outdoors?

September and October signal apple picking time! This is a great activity—a little wholesome and old-fashioned, but that's the stuff memories are made of.

Before you head out for the nearest orchard, do a little online research and/or call first. Find out their hours, and if there are any regulations you'll need to follow. Some orchards may offer other attractions, such as hayrides, mazes, games, or pony rides. You may even be able to enjoy such treats as caramel apples, apple donuts or apple cider. is a good resource you can use to find apple orchards in your area, as well as information about fruit picking.

Some hints to make it a great day:

  • Make sure you aren't wearing your best new sweater—apple picking can be dirty work! Do dress in layers, and don't forget to bring sunscreen.
  • Bring the camera! Whether it's a special date or you've got the kids with you, be sure to capture the day in pictures.
  • If the farm allows it, bring a picnic lunch.
  • Don't eat all the apples there—take some home with you!

Later you can amaze that date or the family when you turn those freshly picked apples into a pie. There are tons of recipes online, but here's an Apple Sour Cream Dessert that's simple and impressive.

Put this fun event on your calendar now—don't wait till the apples are gone!

How an allowance can teach your child basic values

on Tuesday, 25 August 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The practice of giving a child an allowance developed a little over a hundred years ago, when child-rearing experts recommended giving children a regular and fixed amount of money so they would have respect for money. Allowances may seem to some people as an almost antiquated idea, something that was left behind in their own childhoods. But the fact is, if children are to be able to handle their finances as adults, it's important for them to start to learn how to manage money early.

Working to earn money

Children often have personal expenses, and a small bit of pocket money can save them embarrassment in front of their friends and help them feel more confident. Just remember that as adults, your children will have to earn their money by working for it; they may be a bit more budget-conscious if they understand the purchase price of an item equals a certain number of hours of labor.

Setting savings goals

An allowance can help your child with realistic goal-setting and saving. When you are deciding how much money your child's allowance will be, bear in mind that your child may see most large purchases as impossible goals that they will never be able to reach, which could result in him/her not saving at all. Help your kids set budgets so that they are able to buy small purchases and still able to save and purchase a larger item within a reasonable amount of time.

Here's a bit of nostalgia that perhaps says it best—Opie asking his pa for a raise in his allowance.

The Best Antioxidant Foods and Why You Need Them

on Tuesday, 18 August 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness, Healthy Nutrition

If you've been reading any articles about improving your health, you've no doubt come across the topic of antioxidants and how they prevent free radical damage to your body. If you're unfamiliar with what free radicals are, there is a well-written explanation in this article. Basically free radicals cause damage to your cells by “stealing” from other healthy cells. Your immune system sometimes creates and uses free radicals to neutralize viruses and bacteria, but they can also cause damage to your cells, leading to serious health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

Antioxidants are food and vitamin sources that can stop free radical damage to the body, and just as there are doctors who specialize in certain areas of medicine, so are there antioxidants which specialize in certain areas of the body:

  • Some research indicates that berries can reduce the risk of certain cancers, and are good for heart health.
  • Vitamin C protects the plasma in your body, and red bell peppers are an excellent source.
  • Lutein-rich peaches support healthy vision.
  • Plums are good for cell damage.
  • There's research suggesting garlic can help prevent degenerative brain diseases.
  • Tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene, are good for healthy bones.
  • Rich in vitamins A and C and lutein, kale and collard greens can lower your cholesterol and protect your liver, heart and other body systems.

Take charge of your health by making a few smart choices in your diet!

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