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5 Personal Finance Blogs Worth Reading

on Tuesday, 03 November 2015. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

As the holidays approach, it's natural to take a look at your spending and wonder how you can improve your financial picture.

There are a number of blogs out there that can help, but rather than spending time looking for articles on more ways to prepare ramen noodles, here are five personal finance blogs that provide… (here it comes)… a “wealth” of information.

Take a little time and check them out—particularly the comments. Not only might you find helpful information in the comments, but you can discover if the other readers are similar to you and are benefiting from the advice.

  1. Money Crashers strives to educate individuals in making wise financial decisions. Their sensible advice covers a range of topics from negotiating your salary to setting up trust funds.
  2. Wise Bread promotes “living large on a small budget.” This site has expert advice on choosing credit cards, ways to save money on prescriptions, how to calculate your retirement costs and more.
  3. Get Rich Slowly has been around since 2006, and has articles about investing, frugal tips, book reviews, and news on personal finance tools.
  4. Consumerism Commentary covers all aspects of personal finance and has many reviews of financial products.
  5. Mr. Money Mustache is a 30-something retiree who writes about how we can all live a frugal, yet rewarding life. Rather than offering dry, stodgy financial information, Mr. MM writes about his personal experiences, observations, and opinions, mainly concerning the joys of living frugally and simply.

All of these sites are written in easy-to-understand terms, and do offer very useful advice. So if you're thinking of planning retirement, saving for a vacation after the holidays, or are just tired of ramen noodles, you're bound to find some guidance in these blogs.

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