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Exercise Series: Exercise for Busy Families

on Tuesday, 26 May 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

In our series on exercise, we’ve talked about how various people can become more active. Whether you’re a senior, a kid or a busy working adult there are plenty of ways to get active. When it comes to getting the whole family involved, things get a little more challenging. Everyone has their own schedule and their own interests. What’s great for one family member might be a miserable chore for another. Some prefer indoors, some outdoors. Some prefer… well, you get the idea. 

If you want to get everyone in the family involved, the first thing you have to do is make it a priority. That may mean giving up some other activities, such as binge watching your favorite show on a day off or catching up on work. It definitely means setting aside time to make it happen. 

The second major thing you need to do is get everyone in the family involved. Hold a family meeting. Take input. Consider suggestions. Keep everyone’s needs in mind and consider what objections will be raised and why. The idea is to have a workable plan that everyone can buy into. Without that, you’re facing a nearly impossible battle.

Once you’ve gotten everyone to agree, the next step is to make it a routine. Creating great habits takes work. Pick an activity and a time for it and then stick to it. The longer you’re able to do it, the easier it will become. 

So, what activity should you pick? The answer is as different as the families who participate. To help get you started, here are a few ideas

Exercise is a great way to stay healthy and enjoy life. It’s even better when you have someone to share it with. Get the whole family involved in a healthy lifestyle. Make it a regular habit and make it fun. You’ll not only feel better, but you’ll have some great family memories to share as well. 

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