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Exercise Series: Exercise for Seniors

on Tuesday, 28 April 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The idea of getting out there and exercising can be somewhat fearful for senior citizens. “What if I break a hip?” they may ask. “What if I fall and can’t get up?”  However, exercise becomes more important as we get older, because by improving strength and balance, a senior can help prevent those kinds of injuries. Also, we all need a little adventure and stimulation now and again. In the next part on our series, let’s look at some fun ways to get different types of exercise.

These days, you can find videos on practically everything, so it should come as no surprise that there are exercise videos on YouTube especially for seniors. The National Institute on Aging recommends the Go4Life exercise series. Incorporate a video or two into your daily routine and you should see results in no time!

Once our social distancing restrictions are lifted, be sure to check out your local parks and recreation centers and senior centers. They can be a treasure trove of things to do. Art lessons, jewelry making, and other crafts can help with those fine-motor skills we may lose as we get older. Ask about other activities, such as exercise classes, gardening clubs, walking clubs, or trips. These are great ways to get active and meet others, which helps with that fear of going it alone.  

Exercise doesn’t have to be formal, so don’t forget the little things. Even staying home, you can dance to your favorite music. Play with the family pet. Play Simon Says if you have small children at home. Confiscate a teenager’s Wii game they no longer play with.  

Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone when it comes to improving your health. You might surprise yourself by discovering how easy it can be to just get moving. 

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