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Games to Play on a Road Trip

on Tuesday, 20 September 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

One hour before hitting the road: Is there anything more delightful and exhilarating than a road trip?

After one hour on the road: Is there anything more long and boring than a road trip?

That’s why car games were invented, to save the road trip!

We know the usual ones—I Spy, the Alphabet Game, Spotting License Plates. And while they’re easy to play, these tried and true heroes of the open road, they can also get a little dull, too. 

So let’s try something different!

Would You Rather…? is a game for all ages. Everyone takes turns questioning other passengers, and the answers can often spark some entertaining follow-up questions. It’s also a game that can be altered for additional silliness, like giving the choice between completely dissimilar things. For example: “Would you rather eat chocolate or dance?”

Guess Who I Am, also known as 20 questions, is an oldie but goodie. One person picks someone everyone should know, and the other players ask yes or no questions until someone guesses the correct answer. 

Movie games are popular to play in the car. One game involves describing the plot to a famous movie in a way that, while factual, is not the way most people would describe it. For example, “Little girl gets lost and makes new friends” for The Wizard of Oz.

Road trips don’t have to be boring if you have a game or two up your sleeve. Be prepared and have fun!

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