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Get Back On Track with Post-Holiday Fitness

on Tuesday, 03 January 2017. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The holidays are over, and you may have over-indulged. May have??!!! Who can resist Grandma's apple pie? And you just had to try your brother's Flamin' Hot Cheetos Marshmallow Treats (yes, these do exist!), so it's no wonder you may notice a little post-holiday bloating and weight gain.

But we've got you covered with these ideas to get your workout back on track!

  • Try bouncing your way back into those tight britches with a trampoline workout. Mini tramps are available in most sporting goods departments or online. Whether you watch videos, jog in place or dance to your favorite tunes, this low-impact exercise will put you in the mood to get back in shape.
  • Holidays and anxiety just seem to go hand in hand, so something to ease the holiday tension might fit the bill perfectly. Yoga can help you quiet your mind, and classes are available practically everywhere these days. If you want to get started at home though, there are plenty of videos on Youtube, or you can begin with this yoga workout program.
  • If you're going to be heading back to the gym after the holidays, be sure to put more emphasis on weights than cardio for a few weeks. Lift heavy weights targeting the legs, back, and chest—the major metabolic muscles—which will get your weight back on track faster.

Be sure to get plenty of sleep while you're recovering from the holidays, too. Sure you’d like to fit back into those skinny jeans as quickly as possible, but your overall health is ultimately more important than quickly losing a few pounds.

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