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Getting Ready For School… At Any Age

on Tuesday, 16 August 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Before you know it summer will be over and the landscape will be dotted with big yellow buses. Yes, it’s back-to-school time! School days can be an exciting new adventure or they may cause a lot of tension. Let’s nip those worries in the bud with these tips that are helpful for all ages:

  1. Not knowing what to expect can cause anyone to have negative feelings. Visit the school’s website to gain as much information as you can. Attend any meet-the-teacher nights or call the school to arrange a tour. 
  2. Probably the most important skill anyone of us can acquire is paying attention. Increase your ability to focus by getting plenty of sleep, removing distractions (phones!), and developing routines. Practice listening without adding your own input. Instead, listen in order to ask a pertinent question. 
  3. Have a goal in mind. No matter a student’s age, they should get in the habit of choosing objectives. Younger children might want to tackle reading a longer “chapter book.” Older children might be interested in becoming a better artist or learning more about a certain period in history. 
  4. Don’t forget the social aspect of school. Children and adults alike wonder if they’ll be liked or ridiculed for saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong thing. Talking about these fears with a loved one can reassure us that we are worthy of respect and friendship. 

Don’t forget—a positive attitude goes a long way towards any endeavor. Education empowers us to be better people, so don’t let apprehension stop you or your child from getting the most out of it.

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