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Is it School Season Again?

on Tuesday, 20 August 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Seems like just the other day the kids were getting out of school for the summer. Where did the time go? Ah, well. No chance to worry about it now. Back to school season is here.

Are you ready?

Be a cheerleader. You might be thrilled about the kids going back to school, but it doesn’t mean they are. Point out the positive aspects like seeing old friends and meeting new ones as well as the nifty new school supplies they’ll get to use.

Create a morning routine. Back to school time is a change for the whole family, and the best way to prepare is to practice. Get your kids an early start on their new morning routine by enforcing earlier bed times and a morning schedule at least a week ahead of time.

Have a back-up plan. If you work, it means you may not be there to put your kids on the bus or meet them when they get home. Take time to go over back-up and emergency plans so they know what to do if everything doesn’t go according to plan.

Simplify. The household systems you’ve had in place all summer may not be adequate for the fall rush. Soon you and your family will have sports activities, music lessons and homework to juggle. Make it a point to get organized and look for ways you can streamline your household activities so you can get more done in less time.

Even if things haven’t always gone smoothly in the past, remember a new school year is a chance for a fresh start. Keep a positive attitude as you face autumn’s challenges and you’re sure to be successful.

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