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Joint Pain

on Tuesday, 31 July 2012. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You wake up one morning, jump out of bed, and the moment your feet hit the floor, you feel it – a sharp pain in your knee. 

Should you be worried?  Or are you just getting old?

If you’re like a lot of people, you might assume that creaky, painful joints are an inevitable part of the aging process.  Whether it’s stiff fingers caused by arthritis or a sore shoulder from an old sports injury, you might assume it’s something you’ll have to learn to live with.  After all, if it’s natural and inevitable, there’s probably not a lot you can do about it, right?  So maybe you pop an over the counter pain killer, or put some ice or heat on it.  Maybe you tough it out and wait for the pain to pass, assuming it will go away like a headache or a cold. 

However, there is something you can do besides gritting your teeth and learning to live with joint pain.  Today more than ever, there are several real, effective solutions that will help you feel better and move more freely.

The first step to feeling better is understanding the source of your pain.  A recent study showed that while almost 20% of adults suffer from some form of chronic joint pain, a whopping 84% of those people have no idea where the pain comes from!  Some people suffer from what they believe is joint pain, when the real problem is a torn ligament, or a strained muscle.  A professional like a doctor or chiropractor can help you determine the source of your pain.

This is important because once you know where your pain comes from, a plan can be formulated to treat it.  In some cases, simple exercises can be used to strengthen joints and relieve pain.
Another good option could be a supplement that boosts joint health like chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, calcium, vitamin D3, or even natural remedies like turmeric, ginger and green tea.  In other cases, you may be advised to try prescription medication, or more drastic solutions like surgery. 

The bottom line?  If you’re experiencing joint pain, don’t just “tough it out.”  Give us a call, and find out how simple it can be to make your pain a thing of the past.