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Kindness Can Improve Your Day

on Tuesday, 07 January 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“There’s nothing like an act of kindness to ruin a perfectly good bad mood.”

         ~ Anonymous

In our series of articles this month, we’re going to be concentrating on kindness. You’ll hear plenty of people talk about the importance of a positive attitude, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. It’s easy to get frustrated during your day. Someone cuts you off in traffic. A coworker is late with a critical report. We’re understandably irritable. It’s tempting to lash out, but that only adds to the chain of discontent. Change things up with an act of kindness.

It can be large or small. Maybe you can give someone a smile instead of a snarl or a pass along compliment instead of a growl. It can be contagious because while you’re concentrating on doing something nice for someone else, you’re forgetting about all the tough things that have happened during your day. You’re concentrating on the good instead of the bad. That starts the chain moving in the right direction. Not only do you feel a little better, but that other person will feel better and perhaps pass it along to someone else and maybe even back to you. Kindness is the gift that keeps on giving.

It’s easy to get discouraged with all the bad things that are happening in the world today. Don’t let it get to you. Concentrate on what you can control. Practice a random act of kindness to make your little corner of the world a better place.

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