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Kindness Can Improve Your Health

on Tuesday, 21 January 2020. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

We’ve all been stressed out at times, and it’s in those times that we most want to lash out. Whether it’s the slow driver who’s making us late to work or the family member who forgot to pick up milk on the way home, we’re ready to let them know their faults. Of course, we know it’s not a good thing to do. It’s bad for our safety in the case of the slow driver, and yelling over un-bought milk isn’t going to help our relationship with our family in the slightest.

Kindness is the way to go. Not only does it help make our days smoother and more fulfilling, but it can also ensure we have more days. Yes, kindness can help you live longer. The reason is pretty simple. When we’re angry, our brains start producing endorphins that increase our heartbeat, raise our blood pressure and stiffens up our muscles. While a little stress can be a healthy motivator, too much of it can make us more susceptible to injury or illness.

Kindness has the opposite effect. When we’re willing to be kind and to forgive, we’re calmer and happier. Our heart rate goes down, right along with our blood pressure. Not only that, but research shows kindness gives our immune system a boost.

They say nice people finish last. We know that’s not true, but kindness may just help them live longer.

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