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The Famous Mothers of Mother’s Day

on Tuesday, 03 May 2016. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Behind every great man is a great mother. Of course, some mothers didn’t need a son to be great, while other notable mothers weren’t even mothers at all. So as Mother’s Day comes around, here’s a look at some of the famous (and infamous) mothers who have graced the pages of history:

Anna Jarvis.  She wasn’t a famous mother in the traditional sense, but was instead a devoted daughter who helped create Mother’s Day. Ironically, she never married nor had children of her own.

Grandma Moses.  Some famous mothers were grandmothers too. Grandma Moses began her strikingly successful painting career at age 70, long after her four children had grown.

Ma Barker.  The alleged criminal mastermind behind the infamous Barker-Karpis gang, Ma Barker captured the American imagination in the 1930s.

Marie Curie.  Who says you can’t be a success in the work world and also be a great mom? Madame Curie not only received a Nobel Prize in two different fields, but also raised a daughter who won a Nobel Prize of her own.

Eleanor of Aquitaine.  Famously portrayed by actress Katherine Hepburn, Eleanor was mother to three kings and made sure her daughters married into the best royal houses of Europe. She's been called the Mother of Europe.

Mother Teresa.  While some consider her a controversial figure for her views on abortion and contraception, she is also fondly remembered for her countless charitable works.

So, Happy Mother’s Day to all moms everywhere, whether they’re famous, infamous or somewhere in between.

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