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The value of family dinnertime

on Tuesday, 29 November 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Family dinnertime engages people and fosters connections to create stronger relationships. We know it may seem outdated especially with your busy schedules. However, we promise you’ll miss out on so much if you avoid having shared family dinnertimes. Family dinners are settings for the most interesting conversations and interactions even in movies and TV shows, and that’s not a coincidence.

Food and meals bring us together through the smells, the recipes, and even the ritual of setting the table. It’s such an essential part of connecting that even poems have been written about it! Check out some creative kids’ poems here.

Family dinnertime brings us closer together as parents to connect and listen and as children to share and feel valued. As a family that spends time together, it is important that we know what’s going on in each other's lives, and have open communication channels, and daily safe spaces that help us feel happier and healthier.

Some of our favorite benefits of enjoying family dinners

  • A healthier relationship with food and meals
  • Lower rates of mental health issues like depression and anxiety
  • Higher self-esteem
  • A resilient mindset that aids performance
  • A stronger sense of connection and bonding

You can take an ordinary meal and turn it into a fun experience to catch up on your day together.

  • Have a contest on who has the funniest story about something that happened that day. The winner gets an extra serving of dessert!
  • Get creative by trying new recipes together.
  • Go around sharing your day so everyone feels valued
  • Getting as many members as possible of the family involved in preparing the food. You can even have a dance party while doing it!

Now set the table and enjoy!

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