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Adding exercise to busy days

on Tuesday, 23 April 2024. Posted in Doctor of Fitness, Summer Sports Training

Exercise and physical activity often end up at the bottom of our lengthy to-do lists. The most common excuse for avoiding exercise is often "I don't have time." However, when you consider the 24 hours in a day, eight of which are recommended for sleep for adults, that leaves 16 hours for various activities, including work, daily tasks, and distractions.

Within these 16 hours, it's likely that you can carve out 10 to 15 minutes from distractions such as TV watching, online shopping, or browsing social media channels. You can prioritize your health and well-being by reallocating this time towards physical activity.

How To Fit A Workout Into Any Schedule

If you can't carve out extensive time for exercise amidst your other commitments, incorporating short bursts of activity into your busy schedule can make a significant difference.

Starting small is key when establishing a new exercise routine. Aim to create a habit by linking physical activity with a task you already do automatically every day. For instance, if you habitually check your email throughout the day, try incorporating a light stretch or three jumping jacks after each email check. Including small changes in your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking further away from your destination, can contribute to weight loss over time.

By engaging in short activities throughout your day, you contribute to your fitness goals and prevent workouts from feeling overwhelming. These small actions add up and can make a substantial difference in your overall health and well-being.

To stay motivated, it's important to reinforce your goals daily and discover your own motivation to overcome excuses to skip workouts or indulge in extra treats. Remember, you're more likely to regret missed workouts than the ones you complete.

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