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Thoughts & Tips from The Doctor of Fitness: Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Expert, & Sports Medicine Physician

We write informally on topics we're passionate at Doctor Of Fitness - fitness, strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, sports medicine, and edge fitness and nutrition news. If you'd like to reach us directly, you can contact us here. For more information, you're invited to read Dr. Mancini's C.V. and informal bio.

Clever Ways to Keep Your Kids (and Yourself) Hydrated

on Tuesday, 13 July 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

It’s hot out there. Stay hydrated. We hear it all the time. It’s sort of like telling an actor to ‘break a leg’ before a performance. What does staying hydrated really mean? Is there more to it than just drinking more water? How much water do we really need each day?

The answer to the first question is: it depends. The amount of water an individual needs every day can vary by age, weight, gender, and overall health. The CDC recommends we drink one glass of water in the morning, have another glass with every meal and drink one or two cups after physical activity.

You also need to know the signs of dehydration. They include:

  • Dry and irritated skin
  • Headache
  • Muscle cramps 
  • Rapid breathing

If you or your kids are experiencing any of these symptoms, get out of the heat and get plenty of fluids.

It’s not only how much you drink, but what you drink as well. In extreme heat avoid drinks with caffeine and especially those with alcohol. Even though they’re liquid, these types of drinks actually dry you out even more. Another thing to avoid is sugary drinks, especially typical kids’ drinks. In addition to sugar, they are often loaded with sodium, and other ingredients that remove water from your tissues. 

When eating, try to find foods with high water content and avoid those with high salt. For kids playing outside in the heat, that means serving snacks like cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, and watermelon, not Kool-Aid with chips and crackers.

Summertime is a great time for the entire family to get out and enjoy the fresh air. Just remember to take a few precautions and make it fun for everyone.

Surviving the Summer Heat

on Tuesday, 06 July 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

‘We are having a heat wave

A tropical heat wave

The temperature's rising, it isn't surprising…’

      - Ella Fitzgerald

You don’t need a famous singer to tell you it’s hot out there. From the wilting plants to the rippling streets, the mercury is about to bust. What to do? Well, the obvious choice is to retreat back inside and take shelter in front of the air conditioner, but that’s no way to live. Here are some ways to enjoy the summer, heat and all.

Plan activities for morning and evening to take advantage of the cooler air. Have fun in the morning and rest up during those scorching afternoons so you can spring back into action once the temperatures start to drop a little.

Plan ahead. If you know you’re going to be outside in the heat, bring plenty of sunscreen and water. The summer sun is stronger than you realize. You may think are a few hours in the afternoon won’t hurt you, but those summer rays can damage your skin within minutes. Likewise, you can dry out a lot faster than you think, so fluids are not only cool and refreshing—they’re essential.

Plan to take it easy. A little exercise is great, but you need to understand your limits. Extreme heat places stress on the body. When we’re younger and in good health, we can withstand that stress fairly well. As we get older, we lose some of our ability to adapt. Have your summer fun in moderation and remember to rest often.

Tropical heat wave? No problem. Just remember these tips and make the summer yours!

Happy Independence Day!

on Tuesday, 29 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Independence Day on July 2nd? It seems a little early to be celebrating, but it almost happened. It was a grueling hot summer in 1776. The American colonies were in open revolt and in Philadelphia a group of men gathered to officially declare the colonies’ independence from Britain. It was an historical milestone, but it’s only a fluke of public relations that made July 4th the official day. The Declaration was actually signed on July 2nd, but the founding fathers thought it needed a little PR pizzazz before it was presented to the public. It took them an additional two days to come up with just the right catchy slogan, and just like that July 4th was born.

It didn’t take long for the American public to enthusiastically embrace Independence Day. Fireworks were added a year later and have become a staple ever since, along with parades, bonfires, concerts, and the firing of cannons. Strangely enough, the federal government, created as a result of the Declaration, was one of the last American institutions to recognize Independence Day. It didn’t become an official federal holiday until 1870, and it took another 70 years for federal employees to actually get paid for the day off. 

Believe it or not, barbeques were already a thing, and the 4th of July made for a great excuse for a summer party. The first barbeques weren’t really so much family events as community events, where the entire town gathered together near an open fire pit to roast and then consume whatever animal was on hand. 

The details may have changed a little bit, but the basics haven’t. The celebration of July 4th is a tradition that goes back over two centuries. It’s patriotism and a great party, all in one. What’s not to like?

Happy 4th, everyone!

Today is…

on Tuesday, 22 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You may have noticed that, except for the 4th of July, the summer months are devoid of major holidays. Maybe it’s an oversight or maybe people are too busy enjoying the fine weather to celebrate. If you’re one of those people who think there just aren’t enough holidays, then you’re in luck because even though the big ones won’t arrive until fall, there are still plenty on the calendar for you to enjoy.

In the month of June, for example, you have Heimlich Maneuver Day on June 1st to kick things off and Meteor Day on June 30th to finish the month strong. Along the way you can enjoy Hug Your Cat Day on June 4th, have lunch in the sunshine on International Picnic Day on June 18th or get wild and crazy on June 15th’s World Juggling Day. For those who like deep-fried holidays, you can stop for a bite to eat on June 22nd to commemorate National Onion Rings Day, and if you can’t bear to leave your favorite pooch behind, bring them with you on Take Your Dog to Work Day, celebrated on June 21st.

That’s just a small sampling from one month. Look around and you’re sure to find a holiday that suits your fancy. None of them are as famous as Halloween or Christmas, but fun is where you make it. Speaking of fun, maybe you just can’t find a holiday that fits your preferences. Not to worry. When in doubt, you can always make one of your own. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed, so in that spirit, have a great and holiday-filled summer. 

Thanks, Dad, for All You Taught Me

on Tuesday, 15 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Dads come in all sorts of varieties. There are the traditional kinds like Ward Cleaver who always seemed to have time to throw a ball with his sons or the hard-working sorts who come home exhausted from earning the family bread and promptly curl up on the couch. Whatever variety of father you may have, there are undoubtedly some lessons in life he gave that have stuck with you. 

This Father’s Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on our lives and on those life lessons. Maybe it’s our values or the way we see the world. Maybe it’s the way we handle our business relationships. It could be something as simple as our choice of steak sauce or salad dressing or always keeping our wallet in our front pocket. We’ve probably recycled more than a few of Dad’s famous catch phrases over the years. Have you caught yourself fussing at your kids for leaving the window open and the air conditioning on? Chances are that’s your Dad talking.

It could even be things you learned not to do, like adding a little extra lighter fluid to the charcoal grill at just the wrong time, or a home improvement project that didn’t go quite the way Dad envisioned it. The list is endless and as unique as you and Dad.

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are who we are in part because of Dad. Those life lessons stick with us as the years pass. This Father’s Day, say thank you and don’t forget to be a little careful around that grill. 

Green Therapy

on Tuesday, 08 June 2021. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Back in the old days, parents used to tell their kids to “go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine.” Of course, those were the days before cellphones, TikTok and fancy interactive video games. It can sometimes be hard to tear the kids (or yourself) off the couch long enough to enjoy the great outdoors. The effort is worth it though, because nature- so-called Green Therapy- can be a great way to heal both mind and body.

Humans are designed for fresh air and sunshine. In fact, as anyone who’s experienced seasonal depression will tell you, we suffer when we don’t get them. There’s research out there that suggests fresh air and sunshine stimulates the creation of positive endorphins in the brain that make us feel better and give us the fortitude to better handle stress. 

Getting out and enjoying nature doesn’t mean a brutal survival trek through the wilderness, unless of course that happens to appeal to you. There are other, simpler ways to enjoy the outdoors that don’t involve eating bark or fighting off grizzly bears. Take a walk in the park, paint a picture underneath a shady tree. Try some nature inspired crafts, like making your own grape arbor or sculpting with natural clay. Plan and grow a garden, or if you don’t have the space in your yard (or a yard) then create a ‘green’ space in your house or apartment. 

Nature is out there, begging to be enjoyed. Get out there and breathe in that fresh air! It’s not only fun, but good for you as well. 

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