It’s summer: sun and fun. When you’re out of doors enjoying the summer weather, it’s important to remember to take care of yourself. Whether you’re relaxing at the beach, mowing the grass or attending a summer concert, it’s very easy to become dehydrated.
Here are 3 tips to help you stay safe this summer:
Drink plenty of water.It almost goes without saying, but it’s an easy thing to forget. The average adult loses about 1 to 1.5 liters of water during daily activities, more if they’re working in the heat or strenuously exercising. One easy way to figure out how much water your body needs in a day is to divide your body weight in half. That is the approximate number of ounces of water you’ll need for the day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces water. People who are physically active or spend a lot of time out in the heat may need to drink more.
Make sure to wear loose, light colored clothing.Dark clothing absorbs heat far more readily than lighter colors. There’s a reason white is considered such a popular color during summer. Black might be stylish, but during the summer it’s not ‘cool’ to wear it. Wearing tight clothing can cut off air circulation, preventing sweat from evaporating and short-circuiting one of the body’s primary ways of cooling you down.
Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption. An ice cold brew or a cola might seem like the perfect remedy for a hot summer day, but alcohol and caffeine act as diuretics and can actually dehydrate you even more.
Seniors, parents, and anyone with a medical condition should consult a physician with questions. Enjoy the sun this summer, but remember to play it safe. Keep your body hydrated and stay at your best during the summer heat.