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Doctor of Fitness

Eating Out at Home

on Tuesday, 28 May 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

One of the most common phrases heard ‘round the world is “what’s for dinner?” It’s an age-old question that doesn’t always have an easy answer, especially when you’re dragging yourself home after a tough day at work. Takeout would be great, but your budget only goes so far. What if you could make a great takeout meal at home?

Guess what? You can.

Pizza is as basic as it gets. The beauty of pizza is that it’s so versatile. If it’s time for a family pizza night, start with this go-to pizza recipe. It’s geared for pepperoni and cheese in a red sauce, but that doesn’t keep you from experimenting until you’ve created the perfect pie.

Not all pizzas are the same. For an alternative to the traditional New York style pizza, try creating Chicago’s deep-dish version.

Along with pizza, Chinese food is about as takeout as it gets. And of course, no Chinese meal would be complete without the eggrolls. Rather than buying the prepackaged version in the frozen food section of your local supermarket, try these tasty (and healthy) spring rolls instead.

Golden Corral offers a wide variety of menu-items, but one of its most famous is its Bourbon Street chicken. Bring that sweet-spicy flavor home with you with this Bourbon Street sauce. You don’t have to stop with chicken either. It works great with beef and pork too.

If your spicy tastes run more toward Buffalo than New Orleans, try some buffalo-inspired firecracker chicken on wings or whatever meat suits your fancy. For a healthier option that’s kind to your waistline, try it on roasted cauliflower!

Making take-out at home doesn’t have to mean skimping on great food. With a little experimenting, you soon find the only thing you’re missing out on is the crowds and the traffic.

Oh, wait… were you actually missing those?

Memorial Day: Solemn or Party Time?

on Tuesday, 21 May 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

It’s nearly Memorial Day, and if you’re like many Americans you’ve already got plans for that precious three-day weekend. You’re not sure of the exact details, but you know it will involve some quality grilling, cold drinks and a lot of relaxing.

You also know that Memorial Day is really a time to honor those who gave their lives to make all that fun and relaxation possible. Should you feel guilty about using Memorial Day to enjoy some of life’s simple pleasures?

Not at all. In fact, it’s part of the holiday’s history.

Memorial Day was created in the aftermath of the Civil War as a way to honor the fallen. It didn’t take long for it to turn into a party, however. By the late 1800’s, it was already a time to celebrate the spring by going out for a picnic, attending a sporting event or even visiting Coney Island. In 1972, Time Magazine remarked that the holiday had become “a three-day nationwide hootenanny that seems to have lost much of its original purpose.”

There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun though. Even back then, the New York Times noted that Memorial Day’s real function “to stimulate patriotism,” did not necessarily mean there couldn’t be “patriotic joy” as well.

So, yes you can have your cake and eat it too. You can enjoy your holiday outing guilt-free as many Americans have since the beginning, but while you’re at it, do take a moment to reflect on the original meaning of the day and those who made it possible.

6 New Ways to Eat Veggies

on Tuesday, 14 May 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You’ve seen veggies before. At some point you were three or four years old, eyeing them suspiciously on your dinner plate and wondering if Mom and Dad were trying to pull a fast one. Of course, we know they’re good for us, but that doesn’t mean we have to like them, right?

Not so fast! Give veggies a second chance with these exciting new ways to serve them.

Veggie noodles. This is a great way to replace high-carb foods such as pasta with a healthier alternative.

Veggie-based soups. Not every soup needs to be stuffed with meat and potatoes. Even a small addition such as diced broccoli can add crucial fiber, vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Cauliflower. This pale cousin to broccoli is extremely versatile. You can use it to make a great substitute for mashed potatoes or even a pizza crust.

Lettuce wraps.Wraps have become extremely popular as many people are looking for ways to reduce carbs. Why stop there! Just swap out that tortilla or flatbread for a sturdy lettuce leaf and enjoy.

Meatloaf. Well sort of. You don’t have to go all out here for true veggie-loaf, but since meatloaf is a blended dish anyway, why not throw in some veggies? Puree them properly and your veggie-hating family will never know.

Spinach. It’s not just for Popeye the sailor man. Adding some uncooked spinach can not only stretch your meal, but it adds an elegant ‘restaurant’ touch as well.

Yes, veggies can not only be good for you, but downright good. Try veggies in these new ways and watch those suspicious looks disappear at dinnertime.

Honoring Mom on Mother’s Day

on Tuesday, 07 May 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

As you might have noticed from all the store displays, flower arrangements and dinner reservations, it’s almost Mother’s Day. And while the day is a boon for the greetings card and restaurant businesses, it’s also a chance to honor that special person— the one that brought you into this world.

That’s right… the one… the only… Mom!

So what should you do for Mom? The perfect Mother’s Day is as individual as she is. Some moms like to be treated like the queens of the world that they are for their special day. Others would like nothing better than to disappear out in a garden for some well-earned peace and quiet. Take the time to consider who Mom actually is and what she likes. Not all moms like to be dragged off to a crowded restaurant, or want yet another bouquet of flowers they’ll have to figure out where to place.

Rather than racking your brains, your best bet is to ask her. Let mom pick the type of day she wants to have. That being said, there are a few things that virtually any mother will like.

  • Give Mom the day off.
  • Say ‘thank you’ for all she does.
  • Spend time together (but don’t be afraid to let Mom do her own thing too).

Above all, show her you care. And better yet, make everyday a ‘Mother’s Day’ by showing appreciation for all she does the other 364 days of the year.

Tax Planning for Next Year

on Tuesday, 30 April 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

It’s finally done, and your tax return is off to Uncle Sam. It’s time to put your feet up and celebrate a job well done. At this point, the last thing you probably want to think about is next year’s taxes, but a little planning now could save you headaches (not to mention dollars) down the road.

If you’re working for someone else, it’s still early enough in the year to adjust your withholdings. By increasing or decreasing the amount of tax deducted from each paycheck, you can take direct control over the size of your refund.

One of the advantages of putting money into a traditional IRA is that you can make contributions all the way up until tax time to reduce your taxable income. But why wait? Invest that money now and let it go to work on your retirement funding right away.

If you’re a small business owner, you probably already know you can deduct most of your expenses. And if you’re anticipating a big year, it might be a great time to make some investments in your company. You’ll be glad you did when tax times rolls around again.

Before you sell any major assets such as your home or a rental property you own, check the tax laws to see if you’ll have to pay on the gain. Tax time is stressful enough without any nasty surprises.

Don’t forget the state return as well, particularly if you’ve just moved into that state. Many taxpayers miss out on important credits available to them at the state level.

As always, take the time to consult with your accountant or tax professional to see how each of these strategies might work for you.

School Vacation on a Budget

on Tuesday, 23 April 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Spring break is rolling around, and those pictures of the beaches in Cancun sure do look enticing. The only problem is that you don’t have the executive budget to make it happen. Ah, well… maybe next year. In the meanwhile, you’ve got perfectly good vacation time to use. Here are some ways to make it a unique and fun experience that doesn’t break the bank.

Check out your home town. Sure, you’ve seen it every day, but have you really seen it? Go exploring and look at it with new eyes. How many things have you passed without ever noticing them? You’d be surprised at all the forgotten corners you may have missed.

Go camping. Yes, there’s a chance it might be chilly out, but so what? Pack the appropriate gear and go for it. You’ll get a chance to see nature the way you normally don’t, and if all else fails you’ll have a great story to tell.

Head North. Spring break is when everyone heads south. Break the trend and head in the opposite direction. Many northern areas offer steep discounts during the off-season, and you’ll get to see the sights without the crowds.

 It might be tempting to follow the trends when it comes to spring vacation, but a little out-of-the-box thinking can lead you to a unique experience that you just can’t duplicate at a cookie-cutter resort. And if it lets you keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket, so much the better.

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