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Doctor of Fitness

Is it School Season Again?

on Tuesday, 20 August 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Seems like just the other day the kids were getting out of school for the summer. Where did the time go? Ah, well. No chance to worry about it now. Back to school season is here.

Are you ready?

Be a cheerleader. You might be thrilled about the kids going back to school, but it doesn’t mean they are. Point out the positive aspects like seeing old friends and meeting new ones as well as the nifty new school supplies they’ll get to use.

Create a morning routine. Back to school time is a change for the whole family, and the best way to prepare is to practice. Get your kids an early start on their new morning routine by enforcing earlier bed times and a morning schedule at least a week ahead of time.

Have a back-up plan. If you work, it means you may not be there to put your kids on the bus or meet them when they get home. Take time to go over back-up and emergency plans so they know what to do if everything doesn’t go according to plan.

Simplify. The household systems you’ve had in place all summer may not be adequate for the fall rush. Soon you and your family will have sports activities, music lessons and homework to juggle. Make it a point to get organized and look for ways you can streamline your household activities so you can get more done in less time.

Even if things haven’t always gone smoothly in the past, remember a new school year is a chance for a fresh start. Keep a positive attitude as you face autumn’s challenges and you’re sure to be successful.

How to Cook Corn on the Cob

on Tuesday, 13 August 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The sky is blue, the grass green and there’s a hint of fun on the late summer breeze. Sounds like the perfect day for a cookout, and what cookout would be complete without some good old-fashioned corn on the cob?

Everyone has their favorite way of serving this American summer tradition. Unless you’re planning on boiling it, most pros recommend cooking your corn in its husk to seal in its moisture and its flavor. Even then, you still have plenty of options. You can steam it, bake it, grill it or even microwave it.

If boiling is your way to go, why not try something different than just plain water? Using milk and butter in your cooking mixture can make the flavor really pop. If not, you can always add a little sugar. White corn will tend to cook faster— usually no more than 10 minutes— while bi-colored corn may take a little longer. As a rule of thumb, the fresher the corn, the more quickly it cooks.

Once it’s cooked, your options for eating it expand quite a bit. You can enjoy it plain, of course, or with butter, but why stop there? Mixing in a little chili powder into your butter can give your corn a little kick and some Old Bay seasoning might be perfect, especially if you’re serving crab or another type of seafood. You can even go international if you like. Try some of these toppings on for size.

If you’re worried about getting a little mess on that new summer shirt, don’t forget to invest in a pair of trusty corn holders.

Corn on the cob is a tradition that goes back centuries. Whether you eat it the old-fashioned way or want to spice it up with some modern takes, just make sure to enjoy.

Frozen Treats Make Great Eats

on Tuesday, 06 August 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

In the early part of the 20th century, the Popsicle made its debut. It was invented by Frank Epperson, and in the beginning it was known simply as the ‘Episicle.’ The name didn’t stick, but fortunately the Popsicle went on to fame and fortune. In fact, it’s hard to imagine summer without it. You can get them in a store, of course, but with a little home magic you can also create your own.

Sweet, refreshing and bursting with great summer color, you’ll want this frozen wonder on your honey-do list (or honeydew as the case may be.)

These chocolate and peanut butter creamsicles are easy to make and are a great alternative to just sticking a candy bar in the freezer.

If work or other responsibilities have grounded your tropical beach plans for the summer, these easy orange creamsicle pops may be the next best thing.

Popsicles are known for being sweet, but have you ever heard of one with a kick? Spicy mango-basil paletas may be the perfect popsicle pick-me-up.

Not all popsicles are for kids. If making all those great popsicle flavors has worn you down, take a moment to indulge yourself with a relaxing red wine variety.

There are tons of ways to enjoy this cool treat on a hot day. It not only cools you down, but you can make virtually any flavor or color under the sun. All you need is a freezer and a little imagination.

Summer Hydration

on Tuesday, 30 July 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

It’s summer! The grass is green, the sun is bright and the air is warm. In fact the air is really warm. And that sun…

Yes, summer is a great time to get out and have some fun. It’s also easy to suffer from heatstroke if you’re not careful. Keeping yourself hydrated is your best defense, so here are some tips to make it happen:

Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Sure, there’s nothing more inviting than a cold beer on a hot day, but alcohol can leave you feeling more dehydrated, not less. The same goes for caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, meaning you’re going to be going to the bathroom more often and losing more fluids.

Check your urine. Sure, the color of your pee might not be the most exciting thing to think about, but the color can tell whether you’re becoming overheated. Urine should be pale yellow and clear. If it’s darker, you could be dehydrated.

Adjust your exercise routine. Working out is a great way to stay healthy, but make sure you take the conditions into account. Do your routine in the early morning or evening when it’s cooler. You can get more work in and inflict less stress on your body.

Drink lots of water. You already know that sweating is the body’s primary way of cooling itself and when you sweat you lose water. It may surprise you how much though. For example during a typical summer training workout, football players can lose as much as five pounds from sweating. Even if your plans for the day aren’t so rigorous, make sure to drink plenty of water and take frequent water breaks.

Summer is here, and there’s no reason not to hit the great outdoors. Use these tips to keep you going strong all season long.

Summer Vacation Series: Staycation Ideas

on Tuesday, 23 July 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

You’ve looked at the pictures of those cool mountain retreats and those beautiful beaches and decided they’re not for you. Maybe you have family obligations or a short bank account. Whatever the reason, it looks like you’re going nowhere this summer.

Bummer, right? Well it doesn’t have to be.

Visit local sights. When you’ve lived somewhere for any length of time, it’s easy to dismiss the local attractions. Don’t. Go out and see what your town has to offer. You might just be surprised.

Treat yourself. Staying home doesn’t mean you have to skimp on luxury. It’s a vacation after all. Eat out at that fancy restaurant you’ve been meaning to try. Relax at the spa or spend a few afternoons at the golf course.

Have a home improvement party. A staycation is a perfect time to get those nagging home improvement projects finished, but who wants to spend their vacation covered in paint or plaster? Make it fun by inviting over your friends and family and turning the work into one big party. You’ll have a great time and get something done. What’s not to like?

Take a class. The nice thing about a staycation is you have some time to do exactly what you want. Try a painting class or go horseback riding. Take up tennis or hone your knitting skills in new ways. Whatever you passion, use the time to expand your interests.

They say fun is where you find it. So if your summer travel plans don’t involve any traveling at all, don’t fret. Enjoy it.  And when all is said and done, you may find that you don’t need a vacation from your vacation like so many other travelers.

Summer Vacation Series: State and National Parks

on Tuesday, 16 July 2019. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

From deserts and plains to mountain and beaches, the USA has it all. It also has a well-developed system of national and state parks that make seeing all that natural diversity cheap and easy. You’ve heard of famous parks like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon of course, but there are plenty of others that are worth your time, even if some of them are a little off the beaten track.

Lassen Volcanic. With most national parks you might expect beautiful vistas and lush scenery. While California’s Lassen Volcanic has these things in abundance is also has its own charms— namely bubbling mud, pools of boiling water and volcanic vents galore.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon. This park, also located in California, is the alternative to its better-known sister, Sequoia National Park— great for when you want the sequoias without all the crowds. It also has impressive granite water walls, awesome hiking trails and plenty of wildlife.

Crater Lake. Even though it’s the deepest freshwater lake in America, Crater Lake isn’t a lake in the traditional sense. Instead it’s the collapsed caldera of an ancient volcano. In the center of the lake sits Wizard Island. The park boasts spectacular views and some of the most unique scenery in the world.

Dry Tortugas National Park. If you’re in the Florida Keys and want a beach all to yourself, there’s no better place than Dry Tortugas. It’s only accessible by boat, but it has plenty of blue waters and exquisite coral reefs to make it worth the trek.

Mammoth Cave. Not all of nature’s most impressive works are above ground. Living up to its name, Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave has the world’s longest cave system with spectacular natural formations over 200 feet below the surface.

If you want to truly experience the natural diversity America has to offer, national and state parks are a great place to start. Make them part of your travel plans this year and get ready for awesome!

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