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Doctor of Fitness

4 Tips for Eating Healthy

on Tuesday, 31 January 2023. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Do you read ingredient labels? Polydimethylsiloxane, Propylene glycol, Azodicarbonamide, etc. The list goes on and on. You’re not sure exactly what they are, but it’s a pretty safe bet some of them shouldn't be part of a healthy diet.

If you’re like many people who want to avoid eating things they can’t pronounce, here are 4 tips to help you live and eat better:

  1. When shopping at the grocery store, stick to the perimeter.  Fresh produce, meats, and dairy tend to be on the outer aisles of the store. Once you venture into the center areas of the store, where prepackaged foods are, the choices are not nearly as healthy.
  1. Consider additives carefully.  While the Food & Drug Administration has approved additives, many people have adverse reactions to them. Some of the likely culprits include olestra, aspartame, artificial colors and flavors, monosodium glutamate, saccharin, sodium nitrate, sulfites, cyclamate, caffeine, BHA, BHT and acesulfame-potassium. Save the list to your phone, or print a list to consult at the store.
  1. Dont fall prey to thinking cheap cant be healthy.  Dried beans, rice, old-fashioned oats, canned tuna and salmon, popcorn, frozen vegetables, and canned tomatoes are all healthy choices that are not very expensive.
  1. Be choosy.  When in doubt, look at the labels. Choose the product with the shortest ingredient list.

Here’s to healthy… and pronounceable… dining. 

Workout Mistakes to Avoid

on Tuesday, 24 January 2023. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Whether you’re a dedicated weekend warrior or just decided to check out the free trial membership offer at the local gym, working out can be a great way to improve your quality of life. But along with the benefits come a few pitfalls. Here are some of the most common workout mistakes, and how you can avoid them:

1)  Doing the same workout routine every day.  You can avoid boredom by changing up your fitness routine. You need to rest overused muscles, so focus on different muscles on different days and add new exercises, too.

2)  Using the machines incorrectly.  If you are just copying what the other people are doing, you could cause yourself unnecessary pain, and end up wasting a lot of time. Invest in a trainer to show you how to exercise effectively and efficiently.

3)  Youre all about the cardio.  If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to add resistance training to increase your metabolic rate. Lifting weights in addition to your cardio training will help you burn calories 24 hours a day.

4)  Exercising on an empty stomach. Like a car needs gas to go, you need energy to fuel your workout. Some pre-workout food suggestions: a granola or protein bar, an apple and string cheese, or a slice of wheat bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

5)  Who needs to warm up?  You do! Warming up raises the body heat and prepares the ligaments and tendons for work.

Exercise can be a great part of achieving better health. Exercising the right way can help you keep up that healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Resolutions

on Tuesday, 17 January 2023. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

With the start of every New Year, we all hope there's a healthy new us just around the corner. Instead of finding the same old us two or three months from now, here are a few things we can do differently this year:

  • Document everything. Start a journal. Make a chart. Take pictures of yourself. If you can see evidence of the progress you're making, you'll be more encouraged.
  • Start small. If a task is too big, it can overwhelm us. Make small specific goals, like “I will substitute water for two sodas.”
  • Be prepared. Don't give yourself any reasons why you can't keep on track. Keep the gym shoes and clothes ready to go. Have healthy snacks in the fridge. Keep a list of alternatives to smoking on hand.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Sleep loss can cause increased weight gain, along with other health problems. If you're giving up nicotine, extra sleep may help with the withdrawal.
  • Exercise! Exercise helps control appetite! Exercise helps with stress! It keeps you warm when it's cold outside! Your body will release endorphins and you will be happy! Just keep repeating these things to yourself!
  • Get help if you need it. Professional personal trainers can help set up a meal plan and exercise regimen specific for you and your daily schedule. Smokers can get free advice and counseling by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).

Don't give up. Most people give up on their New Year resolutions within 4 weeks. Try to stick with your plan for at least 6-12 weeks. If you aren't getting the results you wanted, re-evaluate your program and start again!

Martin Luther King National Day of Service

on Tuesday, 10 January 2023. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Does it feel like you are missing something in your life? Do you find yourself feeling listless or bored? It's important for each of us to feel like our lives mean something, that we were put on this planet for some sort of purpose.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said: "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'" 

In 1994, Congress designated the third Monday in January each year as Martin Luther King Jr Day, a national day of service. The MLK Day of Service is an excellent time to seek out a volunteer opportunity that could add purpose to your life.

How to get started? Visit the AmeriCorps MLK Day website. Scroll to learn more and find volunteer activities in your area. There are such a wide variety of services needed, and you are bound to find something that will appeal to you. If you've ever had a desire to try a second career, like teaching or baking, volunteering is a good way to get that experience. 

Helping others can help you find your purpose, and you'll find a reason to get up each day, to be happy and fulfilled.

Some Financial Resolutions for your New Year

on Tuesday, 03 January 2023. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

With the start of the New Year, are you making some resolutions about your finances? Here are a few tips that might help you reach some goals for 2023:

Plan ahead for the coming year.  

Is your car going to need some major repairs, or will you need to purchase a new one? Don't put off thinking about large expenses till the last minute. Make some decisions now, and look for alternatives too. Perhaps the gym membership isn't affordable this year, but a thrift store bicycle might well be the answer. 

Change the way you think. 

Before you make a purchase, figure out how many hours of work are required to pay for it. Are you still willing to splurge? 

There are studies that show that people are willing to pay 30% more for an item when they're paying with a credit card. Having to fork over that hard-earned cash might deter you from spending so much of it!

Splurge sensibly. 

There's nothing wrong with having a few financial vices, because they can keep the others in check. Food, clothing and entertainment are often our weaknesses. So pick the one you can't live without—will it be the exotic coffees, or the designer shoes? 

A few changes can make a big difference in your financial state, so spend wisely in the New Year.

The value of family dinnertime

on Tuesday, 29 November 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Family dinnertime engages people and fosters connections to create stronger relationships. We know it may seem outdated especially with your busy schedules. However, we promise you’ll miss out on so much if you avoid having shared family dinnertimes. Family dinners are settings for the most interesting conversations and interactions even in movies and TV shows, and that’s not a coincidence.

Food and meals bring us together through the smells, the recipes, and even the ritual of setting the table. It’s such an essential part of connecting that even poems have been written about it! Check out some creative kids’ poems here.

Family dinnertime brings us closer together as parents to connect and listen and as children to share and feel valued. As a family that spends time together, it is important that we know what’s going on in each other's lives, and have open communication channels, and daily safe spaces that help us feel happier and healthier.

Some of our favorite benefits of enjoying family dinners

  • A healthier relationship with food and meals
  • Lower rates of mental health issues like depression and anxiety
  • Higher self-esteem
  • A resilient mindset that aids performance
  • A stronger sense of connection and bonding

You can take an ordinary meal and turn it into a fun experience to catch up on your day together.

  • Have a contest on who has the funniest story about something that happened that day. The winner gets an extra serving of dessert!
  • Get creative by trying new recipes together.
  • Go around sharing your day so everyone feels valued
  • Getting as many members as possible of the family involved in preparing the food. You can even have a dance party while doing it!

Now set the table and enjoy!

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