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Doctor of Fitness

An Apple a Day…

on Tuesday, 11 October 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

If you're looking for some fall fun, an apple-picking adventure may be just the ticket. But before you head out with your friends or family, it’s time to brush up on some apple trivia!

  • An experienced apple picker picks at least six tons per day.
  • Apples are 75% water—which makes them a great thirst quencher!
  • The tradition of apple bobbing comes from the ancient Celts. During one of their annual celebrations, the first person to bite into an apple floating in the water would be the next to marry. 
  • Tossing an apple to a girl in ancient Greece was a marriage proposal. Catching it was an acceptance.
  • If you ate a different variety of apple each day, it would take you more than 20 years! There are over 7,500 different varieties in the world.
  • Apples are part of the rose family, just like plums and pears.
  • Apples float because 25% of their volume is air.
  • In recipes that call for white wine, you can substitute apple juice.

And speaking of recipes, try one of these!

As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants and dietary fiber. Enjoy one of these tasty fruits today and just send the doc a postcard instead.

Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day Anyway?

on Tuesday, 04 October 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

All around the great wide world,
Columbus sailed the ocean
To prove the world was big and round--
That's real devotion!

(--Sung to the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel, by unknown author)

For many people, commemorating the US holiday Columbus Day is a way of both honoring Christopher Columbus' achievements and celebrating Italian-American heritage. The facts surrounding Columbus' discovery of the New World over 500 years ago still spark controversy. 

Even one of the basic ideas that most of us learned in school—that Columbus wanted to prove that the world was not flat — is not true. Most educated Europeans did understand that the world was round; however, they were unaware of the existence of the Pacific Ocean, believing instead that the Atlantic was the only ocean between Europe and the East Indies. 

Here are a few bits of trivia about Columbus and Columbus Day:

  • Records show that despite being sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, Columbus received no payment until 1493.
  • Columbus was the captain of the Santa Maria. The captains of the Pinta and the Nina were the Pinzon Brothers. The youngest, Vicente Yáñez Pinzón, is considered by historians to have been the first to discover Brazil.
  • Columbus Day is celebrated in Latin American countries as The Day of the Race (El Dia de la Raza), honoring the many different peoples of Latin America.

For more information, you can visit the History Channel and see what you can ‘discover.’

Balancing School and Activities for Your Kids and Your Sanity

on Tuesday, 27 September 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Once school starts in the fall, it’s inevitable that your calendar is going to fill up with parent-teacher conferences, recitals, sports practices, plays, club meetings and other extracurricular activities. Sometimes it can be quite a challenge to find the time for these things. Other times, the sheer cost of your kids’ recreational activities can leave your wallet in rough shape. 

It’s important to set realistic expectations for what you and your children can handle. You shouldn’t be taking on the job of a full-time unpaid chauffeur in addition to your other duties. And if your kids’ undertakings are interfering with homework, sleep or real meals, then something will have to give.

If there are certain after-school activities that you and your child agree upon, but you can’t provide transportation, you can always ask other parents involved if they can give your child a ride sometimes, as well as consult with family members who might be willing. If money is a barrier, check with the program’s leader to see if scholarships are available.

If there are just too many obstacles, don’t fret. There are still things kids can do after school that they can do when they have the time, and most don’t require much money. If you can find things that you can do as a family, or perhaps one on one with your child, so much the better. 

Supporting your kids can take many forms, but once it starts affecting the family, you may need to make some adjustments. Finding that perfect balance can be tricky but it’s well-worth the effort. Your blood pressure will thank you.

Games to Play on a Road Trip

on Tuesday, 20 September 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

One hour before hitting the road: Is there anything more delightful and exhilarating than a road trip?

After one hour on the road: Is there anything more long and boring than a road trip?

That’s why car games were invented, to save the road trip!

We know the usual ones—I Spy, the Alphabet Game, Spotting License Plates. And while they’re easy to play, these tried and true heroes of the open road, they can also get a little dull, too. 

So let’s try something different!

Would You Rather…? is a game for all ages. Everyone takes turns questioning other passengers, and the answers can often spark some entertaining follow-up questions. It’s also a game that can be altered for additional silliness, like giving the choice between completely dissimilar things. For example: “Would you rather eat chocolate or dance?”

Guess Who I Am, also known as 20 questions, is an oldie but goodie. One person picks someone everyone should know, and the other players ask yes or no questions until someone guesses the correct answer. 

Movie games are popular to play in the car. One game involves describing the plot to a famous movie in a way that, while factual, is not the way most people would describe it. For example, “Little girl gets lost and makes new friends” for The Wizard of Oz.

Road trips don’t have to be boring if you have a game or two up your sleeve. Be prepared and have fun!

Educational (but Fun) Fall Road Trips

on Tuesday, 13 September 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Is there anything more enticing than the call of the open road? A journey where each exit may lead to abundant adventures? Where even getting lost in the middle of nowhere can become an epic escapade you and your fellow travelers can talk about for years?

Road trips come in all shapes and sizes from short jaunts to long excursions. You might bring the whole family or just one certain special someone. Regardless of your companions, any road trip can be both educational and fun.

Planning your journey is crucial, particularly the parts where you don’t actually have a plan. Things always seem to happen to upset the itinerary. These are the little things that can make the trip more memorable. Be sure to have some way to document these “side quests” with photos, video or just journaling.  

It’s natural to worry whether your passengers will enjoy the ride. Make sure to provide a way for everyone to charge their electronic devices and make sure they have earbuds/headphones. Plenty of snacks and ample bathroom breaks should be part of your plan. There are loads of ideas online for games to play in the car as well as apps available for your devices. Perhaps the group would enjoy listening to an audio book or song playlist that pertains to your destination. Use the opportunity for everyone to use their imaginations and create fun traditions.

Regardless of where you go, education can be built into every journey. Marvel at architecture and art. Pose questions like “why?” and “how?” and investigate. Genealogy and history are perfect topics to cover if visiting relatives. Check out roadside attractions, college campuses, historic landmarks, and nature centers. 

Traveling is one of the best ways to create long-lasting memories. Seize the day! Make your adventures extraordinary!

Patriot Day

on Tuesday, 06 September 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The events of September 11, 2001, are embedded in our memories, to such an extent that whenever we see the numbers together—whether it’s a reminder to call 911 in an emergency, or simply seeing 9:11 pop up on our phones or microwaves—we may momentarily revisit the events of that day. 

There are other numbers associated with that date that don’t immediately leap into our subconscious. For example, 343 firefighters and paramedics lost their lives because of the events of 9/11. Also, an estimated 3,051 children lost a parent. 

It’s not unusual for us to want to transform this anniversary from a day of tragedy into something positive. Today, over 30 million Americans observe 9/11, or Patriot Day, by engaging in various forms of charitable service. It’s an excellent opportunity to remember the casualties in those attacks by doing good deeds, volunteering or donating to charities—in essence, becoming a hero yourself. 

If you aren’t already involved with a charitable organization, a good place to start is Charity Navigator. This website provides ratings for most charities to help you avoid scams and fraudulent practices. 

You may choose to remember September 11 by learning more about the events that unfolded. The 9/11 Memorial & Museum, located at the World Trade Center in New York, has many resources.   

We are held together by our history and our shared experiences. When you are honoring the memory of those who died, don’t forget about the courage, sacrifices, and challenges so many faced that day, and in the days since, and honor them appropriately.

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