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Doctor of Fitness

Count Your Blessings

on Tuesday, 22 November 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Thanksgiving is here and Christmas is just around the corner. Your kids might already be thinking about how much they want (and telling Santa all about it), but November is a good time to contemplate the blessings that you already have. Taking the time to pause and reflect can bring more joy into your celebrations this year.  

Look for the good in daily life. It’s easy to get swept away by negative thoughts and complaining. Put the focus back on the positive. Find ways to express gratitude each day. Celebrate small things like beautiful weather or green lights on the way to work. Give thanks for big ones too: your family, friends, and a place to call home. 

Help someone in need. Volunteering is a powerful way to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Find a cause you feel passionate about and find out how you can help. Your contribution is important, and you’ll have a way to connect meaningfully with others who share your values.

Draw close to your loved ones. Unplug from the holiday hubbub to enjoy simple pleasures with family and dear friends. An evening of laughter and catching up will recharge your spirits. There’s no need to do anything big or fancy; these are the people who love you as you are. 

Sometimes we get so busy celebrating the holidays that we forget why we’re celebrating. Strengthen your relationships, and rejoice in their loving comforts. Lend a hand to someone in need. Remember to appreciate the good in your life, and you just might find more of it. These simple ideas can enrich your life throughout the year.

Shopping tips that won’t break the bank

on Tuesday, 15 November 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

To shop or not to shop? That is the question. Is it smarter to suffer crowds and craziness for outrageous deals at the mall, or to sit safely in your cozy home, racking up bargains from the Internet? As soon as Thanksgiving is over, holiday shopping season kicks off in full force with Black Friday, followed quickly by Cyber Monday. Here are some ideas that will let you complete your holiday shopping for less this year.

Look for price matching guarantees.

Savvy shoppers know the deals they want to buy before they ever leave home. Make a list of holiday gifts you plan to give. Check your list against sales advertisements to find the lowest price. Double check the ad for a price matching policy, or even better, a lowest price policy. These policies can condense your shopping to one or two stores, saving you both money and time.

Take advantage of special prices online.

Don’t forget to look online for must-have presents. Many online retailers offer spectacular sales on Cyber Monday. Free shipping deals abound during the holidays, and promotional codes offer extra savings. Use a search engine to check for promo codes before you check out. Many stores open their online sales as early as Thanksgiving Day, so while everyone else sleeps off the turkey, you can start checking items off your list.

Get an early start. 

Keep an eye on the sales happening in the week leading up to Thanksgiving. The prices may be as good or better, and you won’t have to dodge crazy drivers in the mall parking lot. If you do find a better price on Black Friday, ask for a price adjustment. Many stores will refund the difference to a new lower sales price within 1-2 weeks of your original purchase.

Black Friday got its name from generating huge profits for retailers, pulling them back “into the black.” Keep your own finances in the black by shopping wisely this holiday season. Whether you shop in store or online, you can use these strategies to score great prices on the gifts you want to buy. 

Honoring our veterans

on Tuesday, 08 November 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Friday is Veterans Day. In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the brutal conflicts of the First World War concluded by armistice. In the following year, President Wilson vowed to remember November 11th as Armistice Day, a day to be “be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service.” Following World War II, Congress altered the occasion’s name to Veterans Day in 1954. Many Americans will never fully comprehend the sacrifices of our military and their families, but by offering respect and support, you can show your gratitude on Veterans Day and throughout the year.

Respond to the service of veterans by serving in your community. 

The men and women of the American military fight bravely to protect American freedom and human rights around the globe. You can volunteer locally for a variety of causes that meet the needs of veterans and the needs of the greater community.  

Fund veterans’ causes. 

The needs of American veterans are complex and varied. Healing the physical and emotional wounds of wartime service is a lengthy and costly process. You can personally donate to organizations that serve this purpose, or you can head up an event to raise resources for such a cause. The Wounded Warrior Project is one group reaching out to the veterans of recent service to help them adapt to life-changing physical injuries, cope with emotional and mental trauma, and create stable lives outside of the military. 

Spend time with a veteran. 

Your time may be the greatest gift you can offer. Military veterans give up years of their lives, forgoing safety and security. Take time to share this day with a veteran. Offer your thanks, and see where the conversation leads. Some veterans may not want to discuss the particulars of their service, but if they do have a story they wish to share, consider asking to record their words to permanently capture the story for future generations. 

November 11th remains a day dedicated to remembrance and recognition for American veterans. It doesn’t matter so much how you mark this occasion; it is most important that you remember. Remember those who gave their lives. Remember those who made it home. Remember the values and the cause they fought for. Just remember.    

Shopping without Overspending

on Tuesday, 01 November 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The holiday season is almost here. It’s the time of year to share joy and love with all your family and friends. Then January comes, and you’re left holding the bill. Yikes! When did joy and love get so expensive? Read on for some smart shopping and saving strategies to rein in holiday spending. You’ll spend January cherishing holiday memories instead of counting your pennies.

Make a shopping list. Santa makes a list, and it seems to be working for him. Write down the names of everyone who will be receiving a gift from you. Come up with one or two gift ideas per person, and buy only those items. Affordable and thoughtful should be your decision making guidelines.

Beware of Black Friday. Have you ever walked into a store meaning to buy just one item, but you walk back out with a whole cartload? That’s exactly what the stores want you to do on the day after Thanksgiving. Try shopping in the weeks surrounding the big day. You can stay focused on your shopping list, and you won’t have to combat crazy crowds.

Do your homework before you shop. Get to know the store policies that can save you time and money. Take advantage of price matching offers to consolidate your shopping into one stop. You can ask the cashier how long you have to request a price adjustment, just in case the price drops next week. Check store websites for printable coupons and online promotional codes. Don’t forget to look in the clearance section; smart shoppers know that the perfect gift might just be last season’s merchandise.

Most importantly, keep in mind the reason for the season. Remember the deeper meaning behind holiday traditions by celebrating and sharing with family and friends. Spending time together to make memories is both inexpensive and priceless. This year, get ready to shed some of the holiday stress while keeping your heart (and your wallet) full.

Last Minute Halloween Ideas

on Tuesday, 25 October 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Do you know what you’re going to be for Halloween? If you haven’t started planning yet, don’t worry. You can still scare up some great ideas for Halloween at the eleventh hour. Here are a few tips for spooky costumes, sweet treats, and devilish tricks.

  • Thrift stores are a smart and inexpensive place to shop for costume components, but how can you be sure to find just the right items? Hit the racks with more than one idea by brainstorming a few fun getups before you go. As you browse the merchandise, you can decide which costume is best served by your thrifty finds. Then it’s no big deal if you don’t find the right gear to be an alien cowboy because now you’re going to be a crime fighting ninja princess.
  • For parental peace of mind, hand out the usual individually wrapped fun size candies at the door. Inside with family and friends, dig into some frighteningly tasty goodies. Here’s a fun and easy idea for Halloween cupcakes. Bake chocolate cupcakes. It’s okay to use a boxed mix. Frost generously with chocolate frosting; then cover the frosting with crumbled Oreo cookies. Finally, insert two M&M candies of the same color on their sides deep into the frosting to make it look like eyes peering through the darkness.
  • A little bit of Halloween mischief can be lots of fun. With a good vantage point and an old baby monitor, you can surprise approaching trick-or-treaters at your front door. Set up the parental unit of the baby monitor near the door where it can be heard. Find a place where you can see but cannot be seen. You can whisper spooky greetings or howl unearthly screeches at your visitors through the baby unit. This is a fun way to occupy an older child who might not be interested in going door-to-door.

Don’t lose your head over Halloween. This year, you’ll knock ‘em dead with costumes, treats, and tricks that are scary good.

Fall Hiking Safety

on Tuesday, 18 October 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

There’s a computer technician working on your favorite machine in the gym, and your trusty biometrics app once again needs to be reinstalled. If your workout routine has gotten a little too technological lately, why not take a step back in time? 

Hiking is one of the oldest forms of exercise, and with crisp air and glorious fall colors, autumn is the perfect time. With that in mind, here are some safety tips to make sure your fall hikes stay injury-free:

  • The days are shorter now, and darkness comes early. Be sure to plan your hikes accordingly and bring a flashlight.
  • Watch weather reports. The fall months can often be unpredictable, and you never know if a warm sunny morning will turn cold and rainy, or even bring snow.
  • Dress appropriately. Layers are the key to staying comfortable.
  • Make sure your hiking boots have been broken in properly before tackling long hikes. There's no sense in having painful blisters ruin your good time.
  • Autumn is also hunting season. Wear something bright and stay away from earth-toned colors as well as brown or black. Also make some noise so that hunters will hear you—whistle, sing, or carry on a conversation.
  • Watch out for leaves on the trail. Newly fallen leaves can camouflage the terrain, making navigation difficult. Wet leaves can cause slippery conditions.
  • Be careful walking near water, particularly on slippery wet rocks. You may not realize how tired you are until you try to swim to safety.
  • Although the days are cooler, you can still get sunburned. Wear a hat and sunscreen.

A few precautions can make all the difference in your autumn hike. Stay safe!

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