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Doctor of Fitness

Planning Your Labor Day Celebration

on Tuesday, 30 August 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

The first Monday in September signals the unofficial end of summer for most of us. Goodbye, fireflies. Goodbye, extra hours of daylight. Goodbye, lazy days by the pool.

It’s no wonder we look forward to having a Labor Day bash of some sort each year. For some of us, it might mean trying to squeeze in every last drop of summer before the season is over. Why not make it a big celebration this year?!

While it’s perfectly acceptable to plan a virtual Labor Day party, spending time outdoors is the traditional idea. If you’ve decided to have a cookout at your place this year, you can get a head start on your preparations now. Themed parties are always fun, and can give you a concept to work around. Perhaps you have leftover 4th of July decorations—use a red, white and blue theme. If you are stuck, check out these theme ideas.     

Food is obviously an important consideration for any get-together. Will you be doing all the cooking, or is a pot-luck your preference? Don’t forget to get your grill in shape for the grueling workout you’re planning. Want to try some new grilling recipes? How does grilled corn and turkey club kebabs sound?

As for activities, there are some great ideas on the internet.

Don’t let the end of summer pass you by without marking the occasion. Happy Labor Day!

Don’t Forget the School Supplies

on Tuesday, 23 August 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”

  • Confucius

According to Wikipedia, Confucius had 3 children. It’s doubtful that he would have had much time to be philosophical about education if he had to endure back-to-school shopping for his kids. Not only does it seem like the teachers request more and more every year, but kids have their own opinions about what they think they’ll need. 

One way to limit your spending, is to start with a shopping list. Check your school’s website to see if your child’s teacher has posted a list. Some local stores may have checklists that the schools have provided. If you are completely in the dark, this list is a good place to start. 

Watch for sales on back-to-school items. Whether you opt for online businesses or traditional retail stores, be sure to have your children’s sizes on hand in case you see price reductions on clothing and shoes. 

While it’s important to let your kids have a say in purchases that affect them, don’t feel pressure to indulge their every whim. Save yourself some time and money by requesting that your children each choose a color rather than a specific superhero/cute animal/pop sensation to grace the covers of their notebooks. 

A few tips for saving money:

  • Team up with other parents to buy in bulk and reduce shipping costs.
  • Many dollar stores accept manufacturer’s coupons. 
  • If your budget won’t allow the basics, here are ways to get free school supplies.
  • College students can sign up for special deals on electronics.
  • Can you reuse leftover supplies from last year? 

Back-to-school shopping is one of those annual traditions that parents must endure, but our kids and their education are important. Confucius would surely agree.

Getting Ready For School… At Any Age

on Tuesday, 16 August 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Before you know it summer will be over and the landscape will be dotted with big yellow buses. Yes, it’s back-to-school time! School days can be an exciting new adventure or they may cause a lot of tension. Let’s nip those worries in the bud with these tips that are helpful for all ages:

  1. Not knowing what to expect can cause anyone to have negative feelings. Visit the school’s website to gain as much information as you can. Attend any meet-the-teacher nights or call the school to arrange a tour. 
  2. Probably the most important skill anyone of us can acquire is paying attention. Increase your ability to focus by getting plenty of sleep, removing distractions (phones!), and developing routines. Practice listening without adding your own input. Instead, listen in order to ask a pertinent question. 
  3. Have a goal in mind. No matter a student’s age, they should get in the habit of choosing objectives. Younger children might want to tackle reading a longer “chapter book.” Older children might be interested in becoming a better artist or learning more about a certain period in history. 
  4. Don’t forget the social aspect of school. Children and adults alike wonder if they’ll be liked or ridiculed for saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong thing. Talking about these fears with a loved one can reassure us that we are worthy of respect and friendship. 

Don’t forget—a positive attitude goes a long way towards any endeavor. Education empowers us to be better people, so don’t let apprehension stop you or your child from getting the most out of it.

Visiting National Parks on a Budget

on Tuesday, 09 August 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Are you ready to take on the great outdoors for your vacation? More importantly, is your wallet ready?

With over 400 sites in the US, covering more than 84 million acres, a national park vacation offers one the best bangs for your buck that you can find. 

While there are parks with free admission, most of them do have an entrance fee. However, they also have many free days throughout the year. When calculating your budget, consider buying an annual pass. Veterans are admitted free, so don’t forget to bring ID. There are also senior passes available at a discount for those over age 62.

Look for information on AARP’s website. If you’re a member, you can score some great discounts. Even if you aren’t, there are some great moneysaving suggestions as well as articles about the actual costs of things. 

What’s a vacation without food? Whether we’re road tripping, hiking, camping or just standing in line for an attraction, we all get hungry. Save some money by bringing your own food.

Don’t forget about camping! Not only is it cheaper to stay in a campsite versus a hotel, but if you don’t already own camping gear, you can usually find some good deals on used equipment.

Give yourself the opportunity to explore our country’s beautiful wilderness without breaking the bank. With a little forethought and planning, you can have the vacation of your dreams.

The 5 Best Beaches on the West Coast

on Tuesday, 02 August 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Did you know the Beach Boys’ song “Surfin’ USA” mentions over a dozen beaches, many of them on the West Coast? It’s no coincidence. With over a thousand miles of shore line, the ‘left coast’ has a beach for everyone. 

Westward Beach in Malibu is close to Point Dume Natural Preserve, and is known for sightings of dolphins, seals and other sea life. This picturesque beach has been used in the filming of movies and TV shows. Who knows? You may find a genie in a bottle just like Major Nelson did when they filmed the pilot of I Dream of Jeannie.

If a party beach town is what you’re looking for, Rosarito Beach is just what you’re after. Located on Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, the main beach is wide, long and a great place to relax while soaking up the sun. 

Cannon Beach, on the Oregon coast, offers something a little different. At low tide you can walk to the towering Haystack Rock, which was formed by ancient lava flow. Nature lovers will love this feature which boasts tide pools and nesting sites. 

The most visited beach in Northern California is Santa Cruz Beach. The classic seaside amusement park, Santa Cruz Boardwalk is located here. Take surfing lessons or visit a surfing museum inside a lighthouse. Farmers’ markets and wineries are plentiful, as well as other attractions to whet your adventuring appetite.

Pacific Beach State Park, a camping park in Washington, is ideal if you are interested in a fun-filled traditional beach vacation. Dig for clams. Work on your tan. Sing around the bonfire. Play Frisbee. Enjoy!

A West Coast beach destination affords you the chance to experience the Pacific Ocean, with its temperate weather and beautiful sunsets. Surf’s up!

The 5 Best Beaches on the East Coast

on Tuesday, 26 July 2022. Posted in Doctor of Fitness

Ask anyone up and down the Atlantic seaboard about beaches, and you’ll get a surprisingly wide variety of answers. Sure, they’ll all include the basics like sand, sun and surf, but after that people’s expectations vary widely. 

The perfect beach vacation is a fairly personal thing. If you’re traveling this year, and a ‘beach’ is what you have in mind, here are a few to consider. 

Delray Beach, Florida Called “Florida’s Village by the Sea”, Delray Beach is known for its pristine beach and proximity to a vibrant shopping district. With such diverse entertainment as an arcade museum and Japanese gardens, there’s something for everyone here.

Mohegan Bluffs: Block Island, Rhode Island Spectacular views will await you at Block Island, known for its 17 miles of beaches. Visitors will descend a newly repaired staircase with over 140 steps to dip their toes in the water, but it’s well worth it to experience this picturesque, almost tropical, spot.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina The 187-feet tall Myrtle BeachSkywheel is a most enjoyable way to view the area, and even offers a proposal package to anyone who wants to pop the question here. This South Carolina tourist area features golf courses, award-winning restaurants, and 5-star entertainment. 

Anna Maria Island, Florida  If your idea of a perfect beach vacation is looking for seashells and hoping to spot a dolphin or two, Anna Maria Island is for you. Known for its blindingly white sand and breathtaking blue waters, this charming area has that small-town look you crave.

Hammonasset Beach, Madison, Connecticut  Birdwatchers will be delighted by rare sightings at this beach. Outdoor enthusiasts will too, when their days are occupied with bicycling, hiking, boating, fishing, and swimming. That is, when they’re not busy enjoying the ocean breeze and the sound of the crashing waves!

Not all beaches are created equal. Check out these locations to find the perfect one for you.

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